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In addition to our commercial and social obligations, we consider it our responsibility to look after the environment.
We respect the legal requirements and strive throughout our business to achieve higher levels of environmental protection.
We take into account the entire product life cycle, from its development stage to eventual disposal. Consumption of raw materials, energy, water and other products is kept as low as possible.
We attach great importance to environmentally responsible disposal of waste materials and operate according to the principle of <<Avoidance/Reduction/Recycling/Disposal>>.
Workplace health and safety is uppermost in our mind. Economies in production should never be gained at the expense of safety.
We work together with our customers, suppliers, authorities and insurers to evaluate the risks posed to people and the environment by our products and production processes and adopt preventative measures.
Each member of the workforce is responsible for protection of the environment within the framework of their specific tasks. They receive regular information and instruction on safety and environmental protection measures.
A local environmental protection officer is appointed in all Franke locations, whose advice and technical expertise in the is area is sought during decision-making processes. A group environmental protection officer coordinates and monitors all environmental protection measures within the Franke Group.
These principles apply to all Franke companies.
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