Our tap range has been specially designed to give you all the options you need to complement your Carron Phoenix sink.
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Whether you are looking for a contemporary, traditional or designer style, single or double lever operation, or even a boiling water or filter tap, we have a selection of high quality and attractive taps for you to choose from, each with a five year comprehensive guarantee.
The Seraphina 3-in-1 boiling water tap provides instant hot water at the touch of a button. Seraphina provides normal hot and cold water as well as boiling water, all from the same unit. Why waste electricity and water when boiling the kettle when you can have instant boiling water for making coffee, tea or for cooking on tap?
Alternatively, choose from the Larunda or the Cardea instant hot water taps, both delivering 98°C water.
Desirable, stylish and highly practical, Carron Phoenix Filter taps dispense hot, cold and perfectly filtered water. Combining the considered elegance of our most stylish designs with technologically advanced water filtration, Carron Phoenix taps are the ultimate combination of fashion and functionality.
A comprehensive selection of precision-made taps to complement your Carron Phoenix sink, available in a number of styles and finishes to suit your own personal taste.
With so many styles, size and finish options you’ll be spoilt for choice. But depending on the style and age of your house, you may require a specific style of tap, a model that is appropriate to the water pressure available in your kitchen. Specifically, many older properties will require a tap which has been designed to work best with lower water pressure or gravity fed systems. A plumber or retailer should be able to help you find the right tap for your needs
Depending on the style and age of your house, you may require a specific style of tap, a model that is appropriate to the water pressure available in your kitchen. Specifically, many older properties will require a tap which has been designed to work best with lower water pressure or gravity fed systems.
Specifically, many older properties will require a tap which has been designed to work best with lower water pressure or gravity fed systems.
So, if you know your property has low water pressure, choose a tap suitable for low pressure systems. If you have a high pressure system you can choose any tap.
See icon below next to tap of your choice for the recommended water pressure needed.
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